Monday, March 30, 2009



1. Mata Kuliah: CCU

2. Sks/Semester: 2/5

3. Jurusan: Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

4. Dosen Pembina: Dr. Amrin Batubara, M.Pd.

5. The General Objectives :

To develop the students’ awareness of the close relationship between language and culture and provide an awareness of cross cultural unsderstanding and communication.

6. The Schedules and Materials:


Meeting 1 è Introduction to Cross Cultural understanding

Meeting 2 è a. What is Culture? CLICK HERE 1 / 2 / 3 / 4

c. Acculturation/Akulturasi CLICK HERE 1 / 2

d. Keragaman Budaya CLICK HERE 1

e. Komposisi Budaya.

Meeting 3 è The Relationship between Language and Culture

CLICK HERE 1 / 2 / 3

Meeting 4 è The Importance of Understanding Culture in studying a foreign language

CLICK HERE 1 / 2 /3/4

Meeting 5 è Educational Attitudes


Meeting 6 è Personal Relationships

CLICK HERE 1 / 2 / 3

Meeting 7 è Family Values

CLICK HERE 1 / 2 / 3 / 4

Meeting 8 è Mid Test

Meeting 9 è Everyday manners

CLICK HERE 1 / 2 / 3

Meeting 10 è Understanding the American Culture

CLICK HERE 1/2/3/4/5/6

Meeting 11 è Traditional Indonesian and American Values and Beliefs

Meeting 12 è Communicating Across Cultures
CLICK HERE 1 / 2 / 3 /4 / 5

Meeting 13 è Cross-Cultural Conflict and Adjustment
CLICK HERE 1 / 2 / 3

Meeting 14 è Cultural Verbal and nonverbal communication

CL;ICK HERE 1 / 2 / 3

Meeting 15 è General review and feedback

Meeting 16 è Final Test

7. Activities : Lecturing , discussion and internet browsing.

8. The Evaluation System :

A = Assignment scores

Q = Quiz scores

M = Middle test score

F = Final test core

The Final Score = { ( 4 x A+Q ) + ( 2 x M ) + ( 4 x F ) } : 10

The Grade Intervals :

A = 80 – 100 ; AB = 71 - 79; B = 66 - 70

BC = 61 - 65; C = 55 - 60; D = 41 - 54 è E= 0-40

Tag: cross cultural understanding, cross cultural communication, culture, value, everyday manner

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Dear students,

Here are the handouts for the subjects below:

1. SLA for Wijaya Kusuma University Students
2. Speaking 3 for Wijaya Kusuma University Students
3. ESP for Gresik Muhammadiyah University Students
4. English Syntax for Grasik Muhammadiyah University Students

I hope you will find them useful and resourceful.
You may down load and share copies with your class mates.

Best Wishes