Monday, March 30, 2009



1. Mata Kuliah: CCU

2. Sks/Semester: 2/5

3. Jurusan: Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

4. Dosen Pembina: Dr. Amrin Batubara, M.Pd.

5. The General Objectives :

To develop the students’ awareness of the close relationship between language and culture and provide an awareness of cross cultural unsderstanding and communication.

6. The Schedules and Materials:


Meeting 1 è Introduction to Cross Cultural understanding

Meeting 2 è a. What is Culture? CLICK HERE 1 / 2 / 3 / 4

c. Acculturation/Akulturasi CLICK HERE 1 / 2

d. Keragaman Budaya CLICK HERE 1

e. Komposisi Budaya.

Meeting 3 è The Relationship between Language and Culture

CLICK HERE 1 / 2 / 3

Meeting 4 è The Importance of Understanding Culture in studying a foreign language

CLICK HERE 1 / 2 /3/4

Meeting 5 è Educational Attitudes


Meeting 6 è Personal Relationships

CLICK HERE 1 / 2 / 3

Meeting 7 è Family Values

CLICK HERE 1 / 2 / 3 / 4

Meeting 8 è Mid Test

Meeting 9 è Everyday manners

CLICK HERE 1 / 2 / 3

Meeting 10 è Understanding the American Culture

CLICK HERE 1/2/3/4/5/6

Meeting 11 è Traditional Indonesian and American Values and Beliefs

Meeting 12 è Communicating Across Cultures
CLICK HERE 1 / 2 / 3 /4 / 5

Meeting 13 è Cross-Cultural Conflict and Adjustment
CLICK HERE 1 / 2 / 3

Meeting 14 è Cultural Verbal and nonverbal communication

CL;ICK HERE 1 / 2 / 3

Meeting 15 è General review and feedback

Meeting 16 è Final Test

7. Activities : Lecturing , discussion and internet browsing.

8. The Evaluation System :

A = Assignment scores

Q = Quiz scores

M = Middle test score

F = Final test core

The Final Score = { ( 4 x A+Q ) + ( 2 x M ) + ( 4 x F ) } : 10

The Grade Intervals :

A = 80 – 100 ; AB = 71 - 79; B = 66 - 70

BC = 61 - 65; C = 55 - 60; D = 41 - 54 è E= 0-40

Tag: cross cultural understanding, cross cultural communication, culture, value, everyday manner


  1. Asslaamualaikum wr,wb

    Topik yang akan dipresentasikan cukup menarik namun kami mendapat kesulitan dalam mencari sumber data yang valid, mudah - mudahan kami dapat mempresentasikan dengan baik dan bermanfaat.

  2. Pak Amrin mengajar CCU di mana?di WK ngk??
    soalx CCU saya blm lulus,mau ngulang semester depan?

  3. Hallo Pak, salam kenal.
    Boleh saya donnload materinya Pak?
    Di sini tidak bisa saya download.
    Terima kasih
